
✏️Big Picture Copywriting | Conversion Copywriting That Stays Human

I hereby release you from the cognitive load of figuring out the perfect words by anteing up my 15+ years of experience. I help founders, startups, and growing businesses discover their brand and craft conversion copywriting that gets results by staying human.

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The conversion mindset is killing your copy

Every 30 seconds it’s the same refrain. “Too close.” 30 seconds later… “Too close.” 30 seconds later… “FOR F–K SAKE, STAY TO THE RIGHT OR YOU’LL GET US ALL KILLED!” This pattern repeats, every 30 seconds, over the next 15 miles. 🥹 We moved (temporarily) to England three months ago but my brain refuses to switch driving modes. I start out fine. I’m laser-focused on staying in my lane. But the moment my brain switches to auto-pilot… “TOO CLOSE!!!” I naturally gravitate toward the left. It’s as...

👩‍💻Everything a copywriter does that you didn’t realize they do

There I was on a Thursday night, doing the thing I *knew* I shouldn’t be doing, but continued doing anyway. I sipped my evening cup of chamomile tea, scrolled through Threads, and suddenly stopped on this post: This is Fran from The Passion Collective, a Client Experience Architect and Dubsado + Notion whiz. As I scrolled through the responses, it got me thinking: When you outsource, you get someone's collective experiences and skills, not just the *thing* you are hiring for. I’m an elder...

We need to talk about this

Dearest gentle reader, I’m comin’ in hot on a Monday. 🔥 Some things happened last week that made me want to go full Lady Whistledown on this newsletter. But I’m a measured lady, so I delayed writing this email and enjoyed my weekend instead, hoping to return to my desk this morning feeling like my normal, cheery self. Unfortunately, between BBQs, ballet lessons, and packing for our move to the UK, I stewed, tried breathing out the bad energy, and stewed some more. It’s Monday. I’m still...

Big Picture’s study abroad era

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by Regina George online business culture. Hands down, the hardest part of running my business is ignoring the siren call of “more”. More revenue. More subscribers. Big launches. Hire contractors. Hire a team. Take on more clients. Enroll more. Increase conversion rates. Create more downloads. More freebies. More content. More podcasts. More speaking gigs. More partnerships. I’ve always felt like something is wrong with me because deep...

🤖Write your website headlines w/ChatGPT! (Take my prompts + headline formulas)

Hey Reader, I'll be square with you. I am not an early adopter. Of anything. For example, Apple released the iPhone in 2007. I didn't own a smartphone, of any kind, until 2012. I probably had an AOL email account for way longer than was socially acceptable. And I saw my first episode of The Sopranos a year ago. (People get really worked up about this one for some reason.) So while it's abundantly clear that I am an elder millennial (I hear dial-up tones in my dreams) I am not going to be that...

Tick just one of these 9 if you want more persuasive copy ✔️✔️

Hey Reader, I’m going to come right out and admit that the general reaction to the term “Persuasion Copywriting” great. We are (::states the obvious::) inundated with marketing messages... ...and thanks to many think-pieces and documentaries, we have become increasingly aware of the manipulation tactics used to get us to consume more, more, more. 🤢 More content, more engagement, and more chances to learn your preferences so the perfect relaxed linen pant shows up in your feed...

100+ POWER WORDS to boost conversions (NEW swipe file inside! 📂)

Hey Reader, I just got back from a week-long break in Vermont and I basically feel like I've earned my Birkenstocks. ✌️ Four years ago we started a summertime tradition of renting a spacious AirBnb with our best parenting-small-children-and-in-the-thick-of-it friends. We swim, we s'more, we go on hikes and explore local waterfalls. It's abso-flippin-idyllic. But my true jam? The thing I'm silently counting down the days to until we trade in our bathing suits for sundresses and pack ourselves...

How to increase conversions with microcopy? 🧐

Hey Reader, I'm not one to make sweeping declarations (other than that time when I placed the perfect pair of stretchy high-rise jeans upon my body and declared the death of low-rise jeans.Trends be damned.) But I'm ready to declare it. I DO NOT have a handle on this year. As every influencer has been reminding me, we're halfway through 2022. What are you going to do to finish the year out strong? Oh, me? I'm going to go ahead and accept that I'm in the fast-pass lane for this roller coaster...

The tool I use to get more referrals 📈

Friend -- this email was written before Friday's U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. If you find solace in your work, then this email is for you. If you, like me are still processing your feelings, feelings that if put into words would burn straight through the page, know that you are not alone. As a woman who choose to carry her two babies, in power, who held her friend's hand as she bled from a desperately wanted pregnancy that didn't take and is only here today thanks to a...