👩‍💻Everything a copywriter does that you didn’t realize they do

There I was on a Thursday night, doing the thing I *knew* I shouldn’t be doing, but continued doing anyway.

I sipped my evening cup of chamomile tea, scrolled through Threads, and suddenly stopped on this post:

As I scrolled through the responses, it got me thinking:

When you outsource, you get someone's collective experiences and skills, not just the *thing* you are hiring for.

I’m an elder millennial which means I hopped jobs every 2-4 years, building a truly modern set of skills.

The most important of which is the ability to quickly adapt to new technology patterns and platforms.

(We were the first generation recruited by Facebook on our college campuses who watched it unfold into the advertising platform that it is. We’ve seen some things. Lessons have been learned.)

Post-2008 recession, our employers started lumping two to three job descriptions into one. We had to know how to produce video content, write ad copy, edit marketing copy, coordinate media collaborations, coach authors, assemble quarterly marketing plans, build websites, manage the corporate social media account, write email marketing campaigns, and generate inventory and sales reports on the fly.

(Okay, so this was me, working in book publishing circa 2012, but your story is probably similar.)

For many service providers, we’ve become magpies for information and know how to do A LOT of things that technically fall outside of our job description.

Back to the Thread that inspired this newsletter, have you ever thought about all the things you do every day that your clients and customers don’t realize they benefit from?

Hit reply, bestie, because I am genuinely impressed with us!

To get the ball rolling, I’ll go first and dive into the BP Summer Series.

Summer Series FAQ #2:

What does a copywriter do beyond writing the words on the page?

Here are the Top 3 things you probably had no idea you "get" when you hire a copywriter, but be sure to read the entire post for the complete 🔟!

1️⃣ User Experience (UX) and Microcopy

User experience (UX) is all about creating websites and apps that are easy to use and navigate. UX copywriting enhances the user's experience. Copywriters work closely with designers to ensure that the copy and design are working together to provide clear and concise instructions and information.

UX used to be a design-centric role, but website copywriters (in particular) get in on the action because good UX affects readability, which affects your conversions.

Read more to learn why you need microcopy, who decides which pages appear in your navigation, drop-down strategy, the layout of your pages, and what heatmaps can tell you about your copy…

2️⃣ Systems Thinking

Copywriters perform systems thinking on so many levels. First, they develop a communications strategy that satisfies every brand touch point. If you think of your brand as an umbrella, underneath that umbrella you have offers, products, podcasts, newsletters, courses, programs, YouTube, speaking, social media, etc. Copywriters have to come up with language that says, these all belong to the same family. Everything is connected under one brand umbrella.

Read more to find out how your business model changes your copy, why copy written for a coach is approached differently than copy for a photographer or startup, and what we do when you have two different audiences…

3️⃣ On-Page SEO

I didn’t touch SEO until I became the sole marketer at a tech company and suddenly found myself having to explain why we needed to use the header phrase “software design and development agency” instead of “if it lives on the internet, we’ll build it”. 🥴 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the backbone of writing for the web and it's no longer for the back-end techies.

Read on to learn the SEO tools I can’t live without, how and where copywriters incorporate your keywords, and the SEO essential your copywriter should 1000% write for you but probably isn’t…

If you've ever jumped on a call with someone who clearly didn’t understand what you do or do not do as a service provider ⤵️

That’s a messaging fixer-upper.

Put it into words now---tell me, what parts of your job need more transparency?

Then, go back into your copy docs and weave some of this badassery into your Home, Services, and About pages. I’m right here with you, doing the same.

Always in your corner,

P.S. Summer Series FAQ #1 is here if you missed it!

Client Spotlight ✨

Lyrical and soulful in tone, Muse Mentoring conveys both the high-touch, tailored approach of Kimberly's voice coaching program and the transformational experience her singer/songwriter clients go through during her 6-month program.

Client: Visionary Vocalist

Project: Sales Page Copy, Copy Tune-Up+ Editing

Website Design: Ashley Srokosz

Poll 📊

Pssst...take a peek at what we accomplish inside The Copywriting Cohort Course. I'm adding something sweet to the curriculum, so pop on the waitlist to be the first to know!

Work with Me 👩‍💻

🛠️Copy Tune-Up +Editing

Perfect for the DIY-er on a budget. Button up your copy with a professional diagnosis and copy edits before hitting publish.

🔎Brand Discovery

A 4-day brand strategy intensive to help you dial in your brand and your messaging.

✏️Brand Messaging + Web Copy

Let me articulate your brand story, co-create your brand messaging, and translate it into powerful copy that converts.

💵Sales Page Copy

Long-form sales page copy that moves people to buy your courses and offers without giving them (and you) the ick.

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