How to increase conversions with microcopy? 🧐

Hey Reader,

I'm not one to make sweeping declarations (other than that time when I placed the perfect pair of stretchy high-rise jeans upon my body and declared the death of low-rise jeans.Trends be damned.)

But I'm ready to declare it.

I DO NOT have a handle on this year.

As every influencer has been reminding me, we're halfway through 2022. What are you going to do to finish the year out strong?

Oh, me? I'm going to go ahead and accept that I'm in the fast-pass lane for this roller coaster so I might as well strap in, have a little scream, and go wherever the ride takes me.

Some parts will be exhilarating (new clients!), some parts will suck (no clients!), and some parts will have me praying to a higher power (will I even make my Fall Cohort enrollment numbers?)

I *might* be feeling a touch sensitive having just come off a week and a half adventure called Covid, Family Of Four.

I am a creature of habit and lover of routine. So when the big bad C knocked me out of commission I thought, no big deal, just get back on the horse next week, follow your copy structures and templates and you'll be back in business.

But when I opened my copy doc and stared at my carefully organized prompts...nothing. Or more like, everything.

I had so much on my mind I couldn't focus on just one thing, until...

Until I looked at my body copy prompt: "Write something..."

And so I did. And it was terrible. But it got better and soon my first draft was done and I was ready for an iced coffee break.

The magic? Microcopy, IRL.

Microcopy is small bits of text used throughout a website that helps you take an action.

Why is microcopy important for your website?

Gone are the days when a website performed one singular function. These days we want to generate client leads, make product sales, get newsletter subscribers, and direct course funnel subscribers.

With so many potential user paths and calls-to-action, there is the potential for someone to get lost in all the bells and whistles of your site.

Microcopy points your reader in the right direction and tells them what to do or expect next.

Read this week's post to learn where you should use microcopy on your website.

(+ Example copy!)

Can you spot the microcopy in this email? 😎

Reading: Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo.

Watching: Master of None, Season 3. My god. All the feels. (You don't need to watch the first two seasons. Go forth.)

Listening: Episodes from Mike Birbiglia's podcast Working It Out. I love the creativity in his questions like, "Is there a smell that transports you to a reoccurring memory?"