Big Picture’s study abroad era

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by Regina George online business culture.

Hands down, the hardest part of running my business is ignoring the siren call of “more”.

More revenue. More subscribers. Big launches. Hire contractors. Hire a team. Take on more clients. Enroll more. Increase conversion rates. Create more downloads. More freebies. More content. More podcasts. More speaking gigs. More partnerships.

I’ve always felt like something is wrong with me because deep down inside I know I don’t want the stress that comes with the “glory”.

I don’t want to dominate. I could give a rip about hitting 7-figures (which is the new 6-figures.)

I want to help others with my very particular skill set and maintain a stellar reputation.

I don’t care if that’s for an audience of five or 50,000.

But it's hard to resist feeling a certain kind of way when all anyone in the online biz space does is talk about money.

So here's a different $ narrative:

I litch-erally have an “enough” number I need to hit so I can cover my share of our family’s expenses. Once I’ve hit that number, I hit cruise control and coast through the remainder of the year.

(In full disclosure, I worked my tushy off til December last year to hit my number, so it’s not always smooth sailing.)

But the reason I can hit the breaks is because I am a solopreneur—and I friggin’ LOVE it.

I love working for teams, but I don’t want my own. I want my freedom. I want to hire project-based contractors as needed and keep them in my Rolodex for those who need them when I don’t.

I get sh*t done (have you seen my client portfolio or free resource library or blog lately?)

But I also know that if I have to pull back, I don't have to worry about making payroll, managing my team, or letting people go.

I get to focus on my craft most days, instead of marketing my craft.

And I can make big, once-in-a-lifetime changes when the opportunity presents itself.

Where am I going with this? What does this have to do with you?

🇬🇧 Not me burying the lead, but in July my family is moving to the UK for one year. (Love that post-tenure sabbatical, baby.)

And honestly, is there anything more on brand than me, living in Oxford, working out of coffee shops older than America, walking through Blackwell’s during my lunch break, and working on client copy surrounded by my father-in-law's enviable home library?

There is not. Maybe if I add taking the train down to London to see The Royal Ballet at Covent Garden. But I digress…

You probably won’t notice too many changes around these parts, but changes are happening.

I’m moving some client processes around and I’m taking most of July/August off to go camping in France and Spain (f-ing pinch me).

But NOBODY PANIC—I’ve got fun plans for “Letters From your Editor”!

Which brings me to a game of PICK ONE:

DIY Business Owners: If you could ask me anything about copywriting or running a two-sided business (online shop + 1:1 services) what would it be?

If you will be looking for DONE-FOR-YOU copywriting sometime within the next year, I need your thoughts.

Given that we chat here, in this lovely inbox of yours, every other week or so, it felt weird not to tell you about Big Picture’s study abroad era.

This opportunity to take my family on a year-long adventure stirred up a lot of dumb feelings about “falling behind” that frankly, aren’t real. I know that now.

And I’m so grateful I’ve stuck to my guns and grown a lean, profitable, freedom-filled business, without complexity.

So if resisting the siren call of “more” is something you struggle with too, I want you to know that you and your “enough” number are in the right place.

And if your goal is to 2-3X your numbers, I love that for you and I have 1:1 services where I will help you do just that.

Now, I’m off to remind my kids that no, they cannot pack 15 stuffies and one pair of underwear…

Cheers mates,

P.S. I have ONE client spot left in June and then I'm booking for September! Start the process to work with me 1:1 here.

Reading: The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. His previous novel, Cutting for Stone is one of my favorite books of all time.

Watching: I'm 10 years behind, but Killing Eve is riveting!

Loving: Iced coffee and emails on the back deck weather!

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