Tick just one of these 9 if you want more persuasive copy ✔️✔️

Hey Reader,

I’m going to come right out and admit that the general reaction to the term “Persuasion Copywriting” is...um...not great.

We are (::states the obvious::) inundated with marketing messages...

...and thanks to many think-pieces and documentaries, we have become increasingly aware of the manipulation tactics used to get us to consume more, more, more. 🤢

More content, more engagement, and more chances to learn your preferences so the perfect relaxed linen pant shows up in your feed right before you head off on your summer holiday.

(I might be speaking from experience.)

...So yeah, “persuasion” kind of seems like a dirty word.

➡️➡️ But let me reframe how I use persuasive copywriting techniques to write clear, informative, and contextual copy so my client’s audience can make an informed decision about whether or not something is worth their time and hard earned dollah' bills.

What is Persuasion Copywriting?

In my practice, persuasion copywriting is not about convincing someone to buy something they don’t need or weren’t looking for in the first place.

Persuasion copywriting is about standing out and creating a more compelling case than your competition.

✋(And with scout's honor honesty, of course.)

It’s about using all the tools in your toolkit to make your copy effective.

If someone Googles “Copywriting Course” and lands on the sales or product page for The Copywriting Cohort Course, my goal should be to persuasively communicate what the course is about by supplying them with...

🏹 ...a couple of different persuasive angles to evaluate whether or not it’s a good fit.

So, what are 9 ethical sales copywriting techniques you can use to inform and engage your audience?

Our whirlwind August sabbatical is nearly over and I'm (dare I say it) getting excited for all the back-to-school hoopla. ✏️🍎

There's just something about new seasons and fresh starts that makes me feel like anything is possible.

I'm toying with a fun idea to help us gently say good-bye to summer and hello to the final quarter of the year and the start of new projects, clients, and goals.

...it's been percolating in the back of m mind as I hop from planes to trains to automobiles, so stay tuned...

Come on melatonin, don't let me down now, ✈️

P.S. Old Navy is positively killing the linen pant game this summer and I am rocking the coastal grandmother summer lewk. 🪸

Reading: One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle. After her mother's death, Katy decides to take the mother-daughter trip they had previously planned to Positano...and meets her mother, aged 30. (It's trippy!)

Watching: The English countryside roll by from the upper deck of the Oxford → London bus. 🐑

Listening: The Official Bridgerton soundtrack on Spotify made the four hour car journey down to New York with two antsy children much more bearable. Orchestral Robyn is apparently the ideal nap tune. 💤